Find your Event

The easy way to stay up to date with local festivals

Welcome to
Find your Event

The mobile app designed to revolutionise your experience at local festivals and events.

With Find Your Event, you can dive into a world of vibrant festivals, captivating performances, and unforgettable moments. Discover new events, explore diverse genres, and share with family and friends, all in the palm of your hand.

Help reduce waste by using
Find your Event

By digitizing event timetables, guides, and maps, we eliminate the need for printed materials, thus minimizing our environmental impact. Embracing technology not only enhances convenience for attendees but also aligns with our commitment to creating a greener and more eco-friendly festival experience.

Unbeatable Features

Interactive maps

Extensive Festival Listings

Personalised Scheduling

Real-time Notifications

Find what you need with
interactive maps

Seamlessly navigate festival grounds with our interactive maps. Locate stages, vendors, amenities, and attractions, so you can make the most of every moment.

See what’s happening with
extensive event listings

Explore a wide range of festivals, from music and arts to food and cultural celebrations. Find the perfect event that resonates with your passions and interests.

Never miss a moment with
personalised scheduling

Plan your festival journey by selecting your favorite performances, workshops, and activities, ensuring you make the most of your time.

Keep up to date with
real-time notifications

Stay informed with real-time updates, including schedule changes, artist announcements, and exclusive offers. Receive push notifications to ensure you never miss a must-see performance or important festival update.